Name | Return Value | Summary |
None |
Prints a message to the program log and emits Script.printedMessage. The message logged is the message values separated by spaces. Alternatively, you can use Script.print or one of the console API methods. |
Type Definitions
AACube Type: object |
An axis-aligned cube, defined as the bottom right near (minimum axes values) corner of the cube plus the dimension of its sides. Properties
AmbientOcclusionTechnique Type: string |
The technique used for calculating ambient occlusion. Different techniques have different tradeoffs.
AntialiasingMode Type: number |
Antialiasing modes.
AvatarDataRate Type: string |
The avatar mixer data comprises different types of data, with the data rates of each being tracked in kbps.
AvatarEntityMap Type: Object.<Uuid, Entities.EntityProperties> |
An object with the UUIDs of avatar entities as keys and avatar entity properties objects as values. |
AvatarSimulationRate Type: string |
An avatar has different types of data simulated at different rates, in Hz.
AvatarUpdateRate Type: string |
The avatar mixer data comprises different types of data updated at different rates, in Hz.
BanFlags Type: number |
A set of flags for moderation ban actions. The value is constructed by using the
BillboardMode Type: string |
How an entity is billboarded.
BoxFace Type: string |
Collision Type: object |
Details of a collision between avatars and entities. Properties
Collision Type: object |
Details of a collision between avatars and entities. Properties
CollisionContact Type: object |
A pair of points that represents part of an overlap between a CollisionPick and an object in the physics engine. Points which are further apart represent deeper overlap. Properties
CollisionMask Type: number |
A collision may occur with the following types of items:
The values for the collision types that are enabled are added together to give the CollisionMask value. For example, a
value of |
CollisionPickResult Type: object |
An intersection result for a collision pick. Properties
CollisionRegion Type: object |
A volume for checking collisions in the physics simulation. Properties
Color Type: object |
A color vector. See also the Vec3 object. Properties
ExampleColors can be set in multiple ways and modified with their aliases, but still stringify in the same way
Color Type: object |
A color vector. See also the Vec3 object. Properties
ExampleColors can be set in multiple ways and modified with their aliases, but still stringify in the same way
ColorFloat Type: object |
A color vector with real values. Values may also be Properties
ExampleColorFloats can be set in multiple ways and modified with their aliases, but still stringify in the same way
ColorFloat Type: object |
A color vector with real values. Values may also be Properties
ExampleColorFloats can be set in multiple ways and modified with their aliases, but still stringify in the same way
ContactEventType Type: number |
The type of a collision contact event.
DriveKey Type: number |
Logical keys that drive your avatar and camera.
FilterFlags Type: number |
A set of flags for a pick filter. The value is constructed by using the
HandState Type: number |
The pointing state of the hands is specified by the following values:
The values for the hand states are added together to give the |
IntersectingObject Type: object |
Information about a CollisionPick's intersection with an object. Properties
IntersectionType Type: number |
The type of an intersection.
KeyEvent Type: object |
A keyboard key event. Properties
ExampleReport the KeyEvent details for each key press.
KeyboardModifiers Type: number |
A KeyboardModifiers value is used to specify which modifier keys on the keyboard are pressed. The value is the sum (bitwise OR) of the relevant combination of values from the following table:
Mat4 Type: object |
A 4 x 4 matrix, typically containing a scale, rotation, and translation transform. See also the Mat4 object. Properties
Mat4 Type: object |
A 4 x 4 matrix, typically containing a scale, rotation, and translation transform. See also the Mat4 object. Properties
MeshFace Type: object |
A triangle in a mesh. Properties
MirrorMode Type: string |
If an entity is rendered as a mirror, a portal, or normally.
MouseEvent Type: object |
A controller mouse movement or button event. Properties
ExampleReport the MouseEvent details for each mouse move.
ParabolaPickResult Type: object |
An intersection result for a parabola pick. Properties
PickParabola Type: object |
A parabola defined by a starting point, initial velocity, and acceleration. It is used, for example, when finding entities or avatars that intersect a parabolic beam. Properties
PickRay Type: object |
A vector with a starting point. It is used, for example, when finding entities or avatars that lie under a mouse click or intersect a laser beam. Properties
PickType Type: number |
A type of pick.
PointerEvent Type: object |
A 2D or 3D mouse or similar pointer event. Properties
Pose Type: object |
The pose of a joint or other item relative to the world or a parent. Properties
ProceduralData Type: object |
The data used to define a Procedural shader material. Properties
ProceduralUniforms Type: object |
An object containing user-defined uniforms for communicating data to shaders. |
Quat Type: object |
A quaternion value. See also the Quat API. Properties
RGBS Type: array |
An RGB or SRGB color value.
RayPickResult Type: object |
An intersection result for a ray pick. Properties
RayToAvatarIntersectionResult Type: object |
Information about a ray-to-avatar intersection. Properties
Rect Type: object |
Defines a rectangular portion of an image or screen, or similar. Properties
Rect Type: object |
Defines a rectangular portion of an image or screen, or similar. Properties
RefreshRateProfileName Type: string |
Refresh rate profile.
RefreshRateRegime Type: number |
Interface states that affect the refresh rate.
RefreshRateRegimeName Type: string |
Interface states that affect the refresh rate.
Shape Type: object |
A physical volume. Properties
ShapeType Type: string |
Defines the shape used for collisions or zones.
Size Type: object |
A 2D size value. Properties
SkeletonJoint Type: object |
Information about a joint in an avatar's skeleton hierarchy. Properties
StylusPickResult Type: object |
An intersection result for a stylus pick. Properties
StylusTip Type: object |
The tip of a stylus. Properties
SubmeshIntersection Type: object |
A submesh intersection point. Properties
TonemappingCurve Type: string |
The tonemapping curve applied to the final rendering.
TouchEvent Type: object |
A display or device touch event. Properties
ExampleReport the TouchEvent details when a touch event starts.
Triangle Type: object |
A triangle in a mesh. Properties
UXMode Type: number |
User experience (UX) modes.
UXModeName Type: string |
User experience (UX) modes.
Uuid Type: string |
UUIDs (Universally Unique IDentifiers) are used to uniquely identify entities, avatars, and the like. They are represented
in JavaScript as strings in the format, |
Vec2 Type: object |
A 2-dimensional vector. Properties
ExampleVec2s can be set in multiple ways and modified with their aliases, but still stringify in the same way
Vec2 Type: object |
A 2-dimensional vector. Properties
ExampleVec2s can be set in multiple ways and modified with their aliases, but still stringify in the same way
Vec3 Type: object |
A 3-dimensional vector. See also the Vec3 object. Properties
ExampleVec3 values can be set in multiple ways and modified with their aliases, but still stringify in the same way.
Vec3 Type: object |
A 3-dimensional vector. See also the Vec3 object. Properties
ExampleVec3 values can be set in multiple ways and modified with their aliases, but still stringify in the same way.
Vec4 Type: object |
A 4-dimensional vector. Properties
Vec4 Type: object |
A 4-dimensional vector. Properties
ViewFrustum Type: object |
A ViewFrustum has a "keyhole" shape: a regular frustum for stuff that is visible plus a central sphere for stuff that is nearby (for physics simulation). Properties
WebInputMode Type: string |
Specifies how a web surface processes events.
WheelEvent Type: object |
A mouse wheel event. Properties
ExampleReport the WheelEvent details for each wheel rotation.
Method Details
print( …messageopt ) | ||||||||
Prints a message to the program log and emits Script.printedMessage. The message logged is the message values separated by spaces. Alternatively, you can use Script.print or one of the console API methods. Parameters