

Supported Script Types: Interface Scripts • Client Entity Scripts • Avatar Scripts • Server Entity Scripts • Assignment Client Scripts

The Assets API provides facilities for interacting with the domain's asset server and the client cache.

Assets are stored in the asset server in files with SHA256 names. These files are mapped to user-friendly URLs of the format: atp:/path/filename. The assets may optionally be baked, in which case a request for the original unbaked version of the asset is automatically redirected to the baked version. The asset data may optionally be stored as compressed.

The client cache can be accessed directly, using "atp:" or "cache:" URLs. Interface, avatar, and assignment client scripts can write to the cache. All script types can read from the cache.


Name Return Value Summary
canWriteCacheValue boolean

Checks whether the script can write to the cache.

compressData None

Compresses data in memory using gzip.

decompressData None

Decompresses data in memory using gunzip.

deleteAsset None

Deletes content from the asset server.

Not implemented: This method is not implemented yet.

downloadData None

Downloads content from the asset server, from a SHA256-named file.

extractAssetHash string

Gets the SHA256 hexadecimal hash portion of an asset server URL.

getATPUrl string

Gets the normalized ATP URL for a path or hash: ensures that it has "atp:" at the start.

getAsset None

Downloads content from the asset server.

getCacheStatus None

Gets the current cache status.

getMapping None

Gets the hash for a path within the asset server. The hash is for the unbaked or baked version of the asset, according to the asset server setting for the particular path.

hashData ArrayBuffer

Calculates the SHA256 hash of given data.

hashDataHex string

Calculates the SHA256 hash of given data, in hexadecimal format.

initializeCache boolean

Initializes the cache if it isn't already initialized.

isValidFilePath boolean

Checks whether a string is a valid path and filename. Note: A valid path and filename must start with a "/" but must not end with a "/".

isValidHash boolean

Checks whether a string is a valid SHA256 hexadecimal hash, i.e., 64 hexadecimal characters.

isValidPath boolean

Checks whether a string is a valid path. Note: A valid path must start with a "/".

loadFromCache None

Retrieves data from the cache directly, without downloading it.

putAsset None

Uploads content to the asset server and sets a path-to-hash mapping.

queryCacheMeta None

Gets information about the status of an asset in the cache.

resolveAsset None

Resolves and returns information on a hash or a path in the asset server.

saveToCache None

Saves asset data to the cache directly, without downloading it from a URL.

Note: Can only be used in Interface, avatar, and assignment client scripts.

saveToCache None

Saves asset data to the cache directly, without downloading it from a URL.

Note: Can only be used in Interface, avatar, and assignment client scripts.

setBakingEnabled None

Sets whether or not to bake an asset in the asset server.

setMapping None

Sets a path-to-hash mapping within the asset server.

uploadData None

Uploads content to the asset server, storing it in a SHA256-named file.

Note: The asset server destroys any unmapped SHA256-named file at server restart. Use Assets.setMapping to set a path-to-hash mapping for the new file.

Type Definitions

Type: object

Information on an asset in the cache. Value returned by Assets.queryCacheMeta and included in the data returned by Assets.loadFromCache.


Name Type Attributes Summary
attributes object <optional>

The attributes that are stored with this cache item. Not used.

expirationDate Date <optional>

The date and time when the meta data expires. An invalid date means "never expires".

isValid boolean

true if the item specified in the URL is in the cache, false if it isn't.

lastModified Date <optional>

The date and time when the meta data was last modified.

rawHeaders object <optional>

The raw headers that are set in the meta data. Not used.

saveToDisk boolean <optional>

true if the cache item is allowed to be store on disk, false if it isn't.

url|metaDataURL string <optional>

The ATP URL of the cached item.

Type: object

Details of a callback function.


Name Type Summary
scope object

The scope that the callback function is defined in. This object is bound to this when the function is called.

callback Assets~compressDataCallback | Assets~decompressDataCallback | Assets~getAssetCallback | Assets~getCacheStatusCallback | Assets~loadFromCacheCallback | Assets~putAssetCallback | Assets~queryCacheMetaCallback | Assets~resolveAssetCallback | Assets~saveToCacheCallback

The function to call upon completion. May be an inline function or a function identifier. If a function identifier, it must be a member of scope.

Type: object

Content and compression options for Assets.compressData.


Name Type Summary
data string | ArrayBuffer

The data to compress.

level number

The compression level, range -19. -1 means use the default gzip compression level, 0 means no compression, and 9 means maximum compression.

Type: object

Result value returned by Assets.compressData.


Name Type Attributes Summary
byteLength number <optional>

The number of bytes in the compressed data.

compressed boolean <optional>

true if the data is compressed.

contentType string <optional>

The MIME type of the compressed data, i.e., "application/gzip".

data ArrayBuffer <optional>

The compressed data.

Type: object

Content and decompression options for Assets.decompressData.


Name Type Attributes Summary
data ArrayBuffer

The data to decompress.

responseType Assets.ResponseType <optional>

The type of decompressed data to return.

Default Value: text

Type: object

Result value returned by Assets.decompressData.


Name Type Attributes Summary
byteLength number <optional>

The number of bytes in the decompressed data.

contentType string <optional>

The MIME type of the decompressed data.

decompressed boolean <optional>

true if the data is decompressed.

response string | object | ArrayBuffer <optional>

The decompressed data.

responseType Assets.ResponseType <optional>

The type of the decompressed data in response.

Type: object

The success or failure of an Assets.downloadData call.


Name Type Summary
errorMessage string

"" if the download was successful, otherwise a description of the error.

Type: object

Cache status value returned by Assets.getCacheStatus.


Name Type Summary
cacheDirectory string

The path of the cache directory.

cacheSize number

The current cache size, in bytes.

maximumCacheSize number

The maximum cache size, in bytes.

Type: object

Source and download options for Assets.getAsset.


Name Type Attributes Summary
decompress boolean <optional>

true to gunzip decompress the downloaded data. Synonym: compressed.

Default Value: false

responseType Assets.ResponseType <optional>

The desired result type.

Default Value: "text"

url string

The mapped path or hash to download. May have a leading "atp:".

Type: object

Result value returned by Assets.getAsset.


Name Type Attributes Summary
byteLength number <optional>

The number of bytes in the downloaded content in response.

cached boolean

true if the item was retrieved from the cache, false if it was downloaded.

contentType string <optional>

The automatically detected MIME type of the content.

decompressed boolean <optional>

true if the content was decompressed, false if it wasn't.

hash string <optional>

The hash for the downloaded asset.

hashURL string <optional>

The ATP URL of the hash file.

path string <optional>

The path for the asset, if a path was requested. Otherwise, undefined.

response string | object | ArrayBuffer <optional>

The downloaded content.

responseType Assets.ResponseType <optional>

The type of the downloaded content in response.

url string <optional>

The URL of the asset requested: the path with leading "atp:" if a path was requested, otherwise the requested URL.

wasRedirected boolean <optional>

true if the downloaded data is the baked version of the asset, false if it isn't baked.

Type: object

Source and retrieval options for Assets.loadFromCache.


Name Type Attributes Summary
decompress boolean <optional>

true to gunzip decompress the cached data. Synonym: compressed.

Default Value: false

responseType Assets.ResponseType <optional>

The desired result type.

Default Value: text

url string

The URL of the asset to load from cache. Must start with "atp:" or "cache:".

Type: object

Data and information returned by Assets.loadFromCache.


Name Type Attributes Summary
byteLength number <optional>

The number of bytes in the retrieved data.

contentType string <optional>

The automatically detected MIME type of the content.

data ArrayBuffer

The data bytes.

metadata Assets.CacheItemMetaData

Information on the cache item.

response string | object | ArrayBuffer <optional>

The content of the response.

responseType Assets.ResponseType

The type of the content in response.

url string

The URL of the cache item.

Type: object

Content and upload options for Assets.putAsset.


Name Type Attributes Summary
compress boolean <optional>

true to gzip compress the content for upload and storage, false to upload and store the data without gzip compression. Synonym: compressed.

Default Value: false

data string | ArrayBuffer

The content to upload.

path string <optional>

A user-friendly path for the file in the asset server. May have a leading "atp:". If not specified, no path-to-hash mapping is set.

Note: The asset server destroys any unmapped SHA256-named file at server restart. Either set the mapping path with this property or use Assets.setMapping to set a path-to-hash mapping for the uploaded file.

Type: object

Result value returned by Assets.putAsset.


Name Type Attributes Summary
byteLength number <optional>

The number of bytes in the hash file stored on the asset server.

compressed boolean <optional>

true if the content stored is gzip compressed.

contentType string <optional>

"application/gzip" if the content stored is gzip compressed.

hash string <optional>

The SHA256 hash of the content.

url string <optional>

The atp: URL of the content: using the path if specified, otherwise the hash.

path string <optional>

The uploaded content's mapped path, if specified.

Type: object

Source for Assets.queryCacheMeta.


Name Type Summary
url string

The URL of the cached asset to get information on. Must start with "atp:" or "cache:".

Type: object

Source options for Assets.resolveAsset.


Name Type Summary
url string

The hash or path to resolve. May have a leading "atp:".

Type: object

Result value returned by Assets.resolveAsset.

Note: If resolving a hash, a file of that hash need not be present on the asset server for the hash to resolve.


Name Type Attributes Summary
hash string <optional>

The hash of the asset.

hashURL string <optional>

The url of the asset's hash file, with leading atp:.

path string <optional>

The path to the asset.

url string <optional>

The URL of the asset.

wasRedirected boolean <optional>

true if the resolved data is for the baked version of the asset, false if it isn't.

Type: string

Types of response that Assets.decompressData, Assets.getAsset, or Assets.loadFromCache may provide.

"arraybuffer"A binary ArrayBuffer object.
"json"A parsed JSON object.
"text"UTF-8 decoded string value.
Type: object

Last-modified and expiry times for a cache item.


Name Type Attributes Summary
expires string <optional>

The date and time the cache value expires, in the format: "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss". The default value is an invalid date, representing "never expires".

last-modified string <optional>

The date and time the cache value was last modified, in the format: "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss". The default value is the current date and time.

Type: object

The data to save to the cache and cache options for Assets.saveToCache.


Name Type Attributes Summary
data string | ArrayBuffer

The data to save to the cache.

headers Assets.SaveToCacheHeaders <optional>

The last-modified and expiry times for the cache item.

url string <optional>

The URL to associate with the cache item. Must start with "atp:" or "cache:". If not specified, the URL is "atp:" followed by the SHA256 hash of the content.

Type: object

Information on saving asset data to the cache with Assets.saveToCache.


Name Type Attributes Summary
byteLength number <optional>

The size of the cached data, in bytes.

expirationDate Date <optional>

The date and time that the cache item expires. An invalid date means "never expires".

lastModified Date <optional>

The date and time that the cache item was last modified.

metaDataURL string <optional>

The URL associated with the cache item.

success boolean <optional>

true if the save to cache request was successful.

url string <optional>

The URL associated with the cache item.

compressDataCallback( error, result )
Type: function

Called when an Assets.compressData call is complete.


Name Type Description
error string

null if the data was successfully compressed, otherwise a description of the error.

result Assets.CompressResult

Information on and the compressed data.

decompressDataCallback( error, result )
Type: function

Called when an Assets.decompressData call is complete.


Name Type Description
error string

null if the data was successfully compressed, otherwise a description of the error.

result Assets.DecompressResult

Information on and the decompressed data.

deleteAssetCallback( error, result )
Type: function

Called when an Assets.deleteAsset call is complete.

Not implemented: This type is not implemented yet.


Name Type Description
error string

null if the content was deleted, otherwise a description of the error.

result Assets.DeleteResult

Information on the content deleted.

downloadDataCallback( data, error )
Type: function

Called when an Assets.downloadData call is complete.


Name Type Description
data string

The content that was downloaded.

error Assets.DownloadDataError

The success or failure of the download.

getAssetCallback( error, result )
Type: function

Called when an Assets.getAsset call is complete.


Name Type Description
error string

null if the content was downloaded, otherwise a description of the error.

result Assets.GetResult

Information on and the content downloaded.

getCacheStatusCallback( error, result )
Type: function

Called when a Assets.getCacheStatus call is complete.


Name Type Description
error string

null if the cache status was retrieved without error, otherwise a description of the error.

result Assets.GetCacheStatusResult

Details of the current cache status.

getMappingCallback( error, hash )
Type: function

Called when an Assets.getMapping call is complete.


Name Type Description
error string

null if the path was found, otherwise a description of the error.

hash string

The hash value if the path was found, "" if it wasn't.

loadFromCacheCallback( error, result )
Type: function

Called when an Assets.loadFromCache call is complete.


Name Type Description
error string

null if the cache item was successfully retrieved, otherwise a description of the error.

result Assets.LoadFromCacheResult

Information on and the retrieved data.

putAssetCallback( error, result )
Type: function

Called when an Assets.putAsset call is complete.


Name Type Description
error string

null if the content was uploaded and any path-to-hash mapping set, otherwise a description of the error.

result Assets.PutResult

Information on the content uploaded.

queryCacheMetaCallback( error, result )
Type: function

Called when Assets.queryCacheMeta is complete.


Name Type Description
error string

null if the URL has a valid cache entry, otherwise a description of the error.

result Assets.CacheItemMetaData

Information on an asset in the cache.

resolveAssetCallback( error, result )
Type: function

Called when an Assets.resolveAsset call is complete.


Name Type Description
error string

null if the asset hash or path was resolved, otherwise a description of the error.

result Assets.ResolveResult

Information on the hash or path resolved.

saveToCacheCallback( error, result )
Type: function

Called when an Assets.saveToCache call is complete.


Name Type Description
error string

null if the asset data was successfully saved to the cache, otherwise a description of the error.

result Assets.SaveToCacheResult

Information on the cached data.

setBakingEnabledCallback( error )
Type: function

Called when an Assets.setBakingEnabled call is complete.


Name Type Description
error string

null if baking was successfully enabled or disabled, otherwise a description of the error.

setMappingCallback( error )
Type: function

Called when an Assets.setMapping call is complete.


Name Type Description
error string

null if the path-to-hash mapping was set, otherwise a description of the error.

uploadDataCallback( url, hash )
Type: function

Called when an Assets.uploadData call is complete.


Name Type Description
url string

The raw URL of the file that the content is stored in, with atp: as the scheme and the SHA256 hash as the filename (with no extension).

hash string

The SHA256 hash of the content.

Method Details

(static) canWriteCacheValue( url ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the script is an Interface, avatar, or assignment client script, false if the script is a client entity or server entity script.

Checks whether the script can write to the cache.


Name Type Description
url string

Not used.


Report whether the script can write to the cache.

print("Can write to cache: " + Assets.canWriteCacheValue(null));
(static) compressData( source, scopeOrCallback, callbackopt )

Compresses data in memory using gzip.


Name Type Attributes Description
source string | ArrayBuffer | Assets.CompressOptions

What to compress and compression options. If a string or ArrayBuffer, the data to compress.

scopeOrCallback object | Assets.CallbackDetails | Assets~compressDataCallback

If an object, then the scope that the callback function is defined in. This object is bound to this when the function is called.

Otherwise, the function to call upon completion. This may be an inline function or a function identifier.

callback Assets~compressDataCallback <optional>

Used if scopeOrCallback specifies the scope.

The function to call upon completion. May be an inline function, a function identifier, or the name of a function in a string. If the name of a function or a function identifier, it must be a member of the scope specified by scopeOrCallback.

(static) decompressData( source, scopeOrCallback, callbackopt )

Decompresses data in memory using gunzip.


Name Type Attributes Description
source Assets.DecompressOptions

What to decompress and decompression options.

scopeOrCallback object | Assets.CallbackDetails | Assets~decompressDataCallback

If an object, then the scope that the callback function is defined in. This object is bound to this when the function is called.

Otherwise, the function to call upon completion. This may be an inline function or a function identifier.

callback Assets~decompressDataCallback <optional>

Used if scopeOrCallback specifies the scope.

The function to call upon completion. May be an inline function, a function identifier, or the name of a function in a string. If the name of a function or a function identifier, it must be a member of the scope specified by scopeOrCallback.

(static) deleteAsset( options, scope, callback )

Deletes content from the asset server.

Not implemented: This method is not implemented yet.


Name Type Description
options Assets.DeleteOptions

The content to delete and delete options.

scope object

The scope that the callback function is defined in.

callback Assets~deleteAssetCallback

The function to call upon completion.

(static) downloadData( url, callback )

Downloads content from the asset server, from a SHA256-named file.


Name Type Description
url string

The raw URL of asset to download: atp: followed by the assets's SHA256 hash.

callback Assets~downloadDataCallback

The function to call upon completion.


Store and retrieve a string from the asset server.

var assetURL;

// Store the string.
Assets.uploadData("Hello world!", function (url, hash) {
    assetURL = url;
    print("url: " + assetURL);  // atp:a0g89...
    Assets.setMapping("/assetsExamples/helloWorld.txt", hash, function (error) {
        if (error) {
            print("ERROR: Could not set mapping!");

// Retrieve the string.
Script.setTimeout(function () {
    Assets.downloadData(assetURL, function (data, error) {
        print("Downloaded data: " + data);
        print("Error: " + JSON.stringify(error));
}, 1000);
(static) extractAssetHash( url ) → {string}
Returns: The SHA256 hexadecimal hash portion of the URL if present and valid, "" otherwise.

Gets the SHA256 hexadecimal hash portion of an asset server URL.


Name Type Description
url string

The URL to get the SHA256 hexadecimal hash from.

(static) getATPUrl( url ) → {string}
Returns: The normalized ATP URL.

Gets the normalized ATP URL for a path or hash: ensures that it has "atp:" at the start.


Name Type Description
url string

The URL to normalize.

(static) getAsset( source, scopeOrCallback, callbackopt )

Downloads content from the asset server.


Name Type Attributes Description
source string | Assets.GetOptions

What to download and download options. If a string, the mapped path or hash to download, optionally including a leading "atp:".

scopeOrCallback object | Assets.CallbackDetails | Assets~getAssetCallback

If an object, then the scope that the callback function is defined in. This object is bound to this when the function is called.

Otherwise, the function to call upon completion. This may be an inline function or a function identifier.

callback Assets~getAssetCallback <optional>

Used if scopeOrCallback specifies the scope.

The function to call upon completion. May be an inline function, a function identifier, or the name of a function in a string. If the name of a function or a function identifier, it must be a member of the scope specified by scopeOrCallback.


Retrieve a string from the asset server.

        url: "/assetsExamples/helloWorld.txt",
        responseType: "text"
    function (error, result) {
        if (error) {
            print("ERROR: Data not downloaded");
        } else {
            print("Data: " + result.response);
(static) getCacheStatus( scopeOrCallback, callbackopt )

Gets the current cache status.


Name Type Attributes Description
scopeOrCallback object | Assets.CallbackDetails | Assets~getCacheStatusCallback

If an object, then the scope that the callback function is defined in. This object is bound to this when the function is called.

Otherwise, the function to call upon completion. This may be an inline function or a function identifier.

callback Assets~getCacheStatusCallback <optional>

Used if scopeOrCallback specifies the scope.

The function to call upon completion. May be an inline function, a function identifier, or the name of a function in a string. If the name of a function or a function identifier, it must be a member of the scope specified by scopeOrCallback.


Report the cache status.

Assets.getCacheStatus(function (error, status) {
    print("Cache status");
    print("- Error: " + error);
    print("- Status: " + JSON.stringify(status));
(static) getMapping( path, callback )

Gets the hash for a path within the asset server. The hash is for the unbaked or baked version of the asset, according to the asset server setting for the particular path.


Name Type Description
path string

The path to a file in the asset server to get the hash of.

callback Assets~getMappingCallback

The function to call upon completion.


Report the hash of an asset server item.

var assetPath = Window.browseAssets();
if (assetPath) {
    var mapping = Assets.getMapping(assetPath, function (error, hash) {
        print("Asset: " + assetPath);
        print("- hash:  " + hash);
        print("- error: " + error);
(static) hashData( data ) → {ArrayBuffer}
Returns: The SHA256 hash of the data.

Calculates the SHA256 hash of given data.


Name Type Description
data string | ArrayBuffer

The data to calculate the hash of.

(static) hashDataHex( data ) → {string}
Returns: The SHA256 hash of the data, in hexadecimal format.

Calculates the SHA256 hash of given data, in hexadecimal format.


Name Type Description
data string | ArrayBuffer

The data to calculate the hash of.


Calculate the hash of some text.

var text = "Hello world!";
print("Hash: " + Assets.hashDataHex(text));
(static) initializeCache( ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the cache is initialized, false if it isn't.

Initializes the cache if it isn't already initialized.

(static) isValidFilePath( path ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the path is a valid file path, false if it isn't.

Checks whether a string is a valid path and filename. Note: A valid path and filename must start with a "/" but must not end with a "/".


Name Type Description
path string

The path to check.

(static) isValidHash( hash ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the hash is a valid SHA256 hexadecimal string, false if it isn't.

Checks whether a string is a valid SHA256 hexadecimal hash, i.e., 64 hexadecimal characters.


Name Type Description
hash string

The hash to check.

(static) isValidPath( path ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the path is a valid path, false if it isn't.

Checks whether a string is a valid path. Note: A valid path must start with a "/".


Name Type Description
path string

The path to check.

(static) loadFromCache( options, scopeOrCallback, callbackopt )

Retrieves data from the cache directly, without downloading it.


Name Type Attributes Description
options string | Assets.LoadFromCacheOptions

The URL of the asset to load from the cache if a string, otherwise an object specifying the asset to load from the cache and load options. The URL must start with "atp:" or "cache:".

scopeOrCallback object | Assets.CallbackDetails | Assets~loadFromCacheCallback

If an object, then the scope that the callback function is defined in. This object is bound to this when the function is called.

Otherwise, the function to call upon completion. This may be an inline function or a function identifier.

callback Assets~loadFromCacheCallback <optional>

Used if scopeOrCallback specifies the scope.

The function to call upon completion. May be an inline function, a function identifier, or the name of a function in a string. If the name of a function or a function identifier, it must be a member of the scope specified by scopeOrCallback.


Retrieve a string from the cache.

    function (error, result) {
        if (error) {
            print("Error: " + error);
        } else {
            print("- Response: " + result.response);
            print("- Content type: " + result.contentType);
            print("- Number of bytes: " + result.byteLength);
            print("- Bytes: " + [] Uint8Array(, 0, result.byteLength));
            print("- URL: " + result.url);
(static) putAsset( options, scopeOrCallback, callbackopt )

Uploads content to the asset server and sets a path-to-hash mapping.


Name Type Attributes Description
options string | Assets.PutOptions

The content to upload and upload options. If a string, the value of the string is uploaded but a path-to-hash mapping is not set.

scopeOrCallback object | Assets.CallbackDetails | Assets~putAssetCallback

If an object, then the scope that the callback function is defined in. This object is bound to this when the function is called.

Otherwise, the function to call upon completion. This may be an inline function or a function identifier.

callback Assets~putAssetCallback <optional>

Used if scopeOrCallback specifies the scope.

The function to call upon completion. May be an inline function, a function identifier, or the name of a function in a string. If the name of a function or a function identifier, it must be a member of the scope specified by scopeOrCallback.


Store a string in the asset server.

        data: "Hello world!",
        path: "/assetsExamples/helloWorld.txt"
    function (error, result) {
        if (error) {
            print("ERROR: Data not uploaded or mapping not set");
        } else {
            print("URL: " + result.url);  // atp:/assetsExamples/helloWorld.txt
(static) queryCacheMeta( path, scopeOrCallback, callbackopt )

Gets information about the status of an asset in the cache.


Name Type Attributes Description
path string | Assets.QueryCacheMetaOptions

The URL of the cached asset to get information on if a string, otherwise an object specifying the cached asset to get information on. The URL must start with "atp:" or "cache:".

scopeOrCallback object | Assets.CallbackDetails | Assets~queryCacheMetaCallback

If an object, then the scope that the callback function is defined in. This object is bound to this when the function is called.

Otherwise, the function to call upon completion. This may be an inline function or a function identifier.

callback Assets~queryCacheMetaCallback <optional>

Used if scopeOrCallback specifies the scope.

The function to call upon completion. May be an inline function, a function identifier, or the name of a function in a string. If the name of a function or a function identifier, it must be a member of the scope specified by scopeOrCallback.


Report details of a string store in the cache.

    function (error, result) {
        if (error) {
            print("Error: " + error);
        } else {
            print("- URL: " + result.url);
            print("- isValid: " + result.isValid);
            print("- saveToDisk: " + result.saveToDisk);
            print("- expirationDate: " + result.expirationDate);
(static) resolveAsset( source, scopeOrCallback, callbackopt )

Resolves and returns information on a hash or a path in the asset server.


Name Type Attributes Description
source string | Assets.ResolveOptions

The hash or path to resolve if a string, otherwise an object specifying what to resolve. If a string, it may have a leading "atp:".

scopeOrCallback object | Assets.CallbackDetails | Assets~resolveAssetCallback

If an object, then the scope that the callback function is defined in. This object is bound to this when the function is called.

Otherwise, the function to call upon completion. This may be an inline function or a function identifier.

callback Assets~resolveAssetCallback <optional>

Used if scopeOrCallback specifies the scope.

The function to call upon completion. May be an inline function, a function identifier, or the name of a function in a string. If the name of a function or a function identifier, it must be a member of the scope specified by scopeOrCallback.


Get the hash and URL for a path.

    function (error, result) {
        if (error) {
            print("ERROR: " + error);
        } else {
            print("Hash: " + result.hash);
            print("URL: " + result.url);
(static) saveToCache( options, scopeOrCallback, callbackopt )

Saves asset data to the cache directly, without downloading it from a URL.

Note: Can only be used in Interface, avatar, and assignment client scripts.


Name Type Attributes Description
options Assets.SaveToCacheOptions

The data to save to the cache and cache options.

scopeOrCallback object | Assets.CallbackDetails | Assets~saveToCacheCallback

If an object, then the scope that the callback function is defined in. This object is bound to this when the function is called.

Otherwise, the function to call upon completion. This may be an inline function or a function identifier.

callback Assets~saveToCacheCallback <optional>

Used if scopeOrCallback specifies the scope.

The function to call upon completion. May be an inline function, a function identifier, or the name of a function in a string. If the name of a function or a function identifier, it must be a member of the scope specified by scopeOrCallback.


Save a string in the cache.

        url: "cache:/cacheExample/helloCache.txt",
        data: "Hello cache"
    function (error, result) {
        if (error) {
            print("Error: " + error);
        } else {
            print("- Bytes: " + result.byteLength);
            print("- URL: " + result.url);
(static) saveToCache( url, data, headers, scopeOrCallback, callbackopt )

Saves asset data to the cache directly, without downloading it from a URL.

Note: Can only be used in Interface, avatar, and assignment client scripts.


Name Type Attributes Description
url string

The URL to associate with the cache item. Must start with "atp:" or "cache:".

data string | ArrayBuffer

The data to save to the cache.

headers Assets.SaveToCacheHeaders

The last-modified and expiry times for the cache item.

scopeOrCallback object | Assets.CallbackDetails | Assets~saveToCacheCallback

If an object, then the scope that the callback function is defined in. This object is bound to this when the function is called.

Otherwise, the function to call upon completion. This may be an inline function or a function identifier.

callback Assets~saveToCacheCallback <optional>

Used if scopeOrCallback specifies the scope.

The function to call upon completion. May be an inline function, a function identifier, or the name of a function in a string. If the name of a function or a function identifier, it must be a member of the scope specified by scopeOrCallback.

(static) setBakingEnabled( path, enabled, callback )

Sets whether or not to bake an asset in the asset server.


Name Type Description
path string

The path to a file in the asset server.

enabled boolean

true to enable baking of the asset, false to disable.

callback Assets~setBakingEnabledCallback

The function to call upon completion.

(static) setMapping( path, hash, callback )

Sets a path-to-hash mapping within the asset server.


Name Type Description
path string

A user-friendly path for the file in the asset server, without leading "atp:".

hash string

The hash in the asset server.

callback Assets~setMappingCallback

The function to call upon completion.

(static) uploadData( data, callback )

Uploads content to the asset server, storing it in a SHA256-named file.

Note: The asset server destroys any unmapped SHA256-named file at server restart. Use Assets.setMapping to set a path-to-hash mapping for the new file.


Name Type Description
data string

The content to upload.

callback Assets~uploadDataCallback

The function to call upon completion.


Store a string in the asset server.

Assets.uploadData("Hello world!", function (url, hash) {
    print("URL: " + url);  // atp:0a1b...9g
    Assets.setMapping("/assetsExamples/helloWorld.txt", hash, function (error) {
        if (error) {
            print("ERROR: Could not set mapping!");