

Supported Script Types: Interface Scripts • Client Entity Scripts • Avatar Scripts

The Picks API lets you create and manage objects for repeatedly calculating intersections.


Name Type Summary

Include domain entities when intersecting. Read-only.


Include avatar entities when intersecting. Read-only.


Include local entities when intersecting. Read-only.


Include avatars when intersecting. Read-only.

PICK_HUD FilterFlags

Include the HUD surface when intersecting in HMD mode. Read-only.


Include domain and avatar entities when intersecting. Read-only.

Deprecated: This property is deprecated and will be removed. Use PICK_DOMAIN_ENTITIES | PICK_AVATAR_ENTITIES instead.


Include local entities when intersecting. Read-only.

Deprecated: This property is deprecated and will be removed. Use PICK_LOCAL_ENTITIES instead.


Include visible objects when intersecting. Read-only.

Warning: Is currently always enabled by default but may not be in the future.


Include invisible objects when intersecting. Read-only.


Include collidable objects when intersecting. Read-only.

Warning: Is currently always enabled by default but may not be in the future.


Include non-collidable objects when intersecting. Read-only.


Pick against exact meshes. Read-only.


Pick against coarse meshes. Read-only.


If set, returns all intersections instead of just the closest. Read-only.

Warning: Not yet implemented.


Allows pick to intersect entities even when their ignorePickIntersection property value is true. For debug purposes. Read-only.


Intersected nothing. Read-only.


Intersected an entity. Read-only.


Intersected a local entity. Read-only.


Intersected a local entity. (3D overlays no longer exist.) Read-only.

Deprecated: This property is deprecated and will be removed. Use INTERSECTED_LOCAL_ENTITY instead.


Intersected an avatar. Read-only.

INTERSECTED_HUD IntersectionType

Intersected the HUD surface. Read-only.

perFrameTimeBudget number

The maximum time, in microseconds, to spend per frame updating pick results.

handLaserDelay number

The delay, in seconds, applied to the hand lasers to smooth their movement.


Name Return Value Summary

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.INTERSECTED_AVATAR property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.INTERSECTED_ENTITY property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.INTERSECTED_HUD property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.INTERSECTED_LOCAL_ENTITY property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.INTERSECTED_NONE property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.INTERSECTED_LOCAL_ENTITY property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_ALL_INTERSECTIONS property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_AVATARS property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_AVATAR_ENTITIES property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_COARSE property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_DOMAIN_ENTITIES property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_DOMAIN_ENTITIES | Picks.PICK_AVATAR_ENTITIES properties expression instead.

PICK_HUD number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_HUD property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_INCLUDE_COLLIDABLE property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_INCLUDE_INVISIBLE property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_INCLUDE_NONCOLLIDABLE property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_INCLUDE_VISIBLE property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_LOCAL_ENTITIES property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_LOCAL_ENTITIES property instead.


Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_PRECISE property instead.

createPick number

Creates a new pick. Different PickTypes use different properties, and within one PickType the properties you choose can lead to a wide range of behaviors. For example, with PickType.Ray, the properties could configure a mouse ray pick, an avatar head ray pick, or a joint ray pick.

Warning: Picks created using this method currently always intersect at least visible and collidable things but this may not always be the case.

disablePick None

Disables a pick. Disabled picks do not update their pick results.

enablePick None

Enables a pick. Enabled picks update their pick results.

getPickProperties Picks.RayPickProperties | Picks.ParabolaPickProperties | Picks.StylusPickProperties | Picks.CollisionPickProperties

Gets the current properties of the pick.

getPickScriptParameters Picks.RayPickProperties | Picks.ParabolaPickProperties | Picks.StylusPickProperties | Picks.CollisionPickProperties

Gets the parameters that were passed in to Picks.createPick to create the pick, if the pick was created through a script. Note that these properties do not reflect the current state of the pick. See Picks.getPickProperties.

getPicks Array.<number>

Gets all picks which currently exist, including disabled picks.

getPrevPickResult RayPickResult | ParabolaPickResult | StylusPickResult | CollisionPickResult

Gets the most recent result from a pick. A pick continues to be updated ready to return a result, as long as it is enabled.

Note: Stylus picks only intersect with objects in their include list, set using setIncludeItems.

isLeftHand boolean

Checks if a pick is associated with the left hand: a ray or parabola pick with joint property set to "_CONTROLLER_LEFTHAND" or "_CAMERA_RELATIVE_CONTROLLER_LEFTHAND", or a stylus pick with hand property set to 0.

isMouse boolean

Checks if a pick is associated with the system mouse: a ray or parabola pick with joint property set to "Mouse".

isPickEnabled boolean

Get the enabled status of a pick. Enabled picks update their pick results.

isRightHand boolean

Checks if a pick is associated with the right hand: a ray or parabola pick with joint property set to "_CONTROLLER_RIGHTHAND" or "_CAMERA_RELATIVE_CONTROLLER_RIGHTHAND", or a stylus pick with hand property set to 1.

removePick None

Removes (deletes) a pick.

setDelay None

Sets the delay of a Ray pick.

Note: Not used by other pick types.

setIgnoreItems None

Sets a list of entity and avatar IDs that a pick should ignore during intersection.

Note: Not used by stylus picks.

setIncludeItems None

Sets a list of entity and avatar IDs that a pick should include during intersection, instead of intersecting with everything.

Note: Stylus picks only intersect with items in their include list.

setPrecisionPicking None

Sets whether or not a pick should use precision picking, i.e., whether it should pick against precise meshes or coarse meshes. This has the same effect as using the PICK_PRECISE or PICK_COARSE filter flags.

Type Definitions

Type: object

The properties of a collision pick.


Name Type Attributes Summary
enabled boolean <optional>

true if this pick should start enabled, false if it should start disabled. Disabled picks do not update their pick results.

Default Value: false

filter FilterFlags <optional>

The filter for this pick to use. Construct using Picks FilterFlags property values (e.g., Picks.PICK_DOMAIN_ENTITIES) combined with | (bitwise OR) operators.

Note: Collision picks do not intersect the HUD.

Default Value: 0

maxDistance number <optional>

The maximum distance at which this pick will intersect. A value of 0.0 means no maximum.

Default Value: 0.0

parentID Uuid <optional>

The ID of the parent: an avatar, an entity, or another pick.

parentJointIndex number <optional>

The joint of the parent to parent to, for example, an avatar joint. A value of 0 means no joint.

Used only if parentID is specified.

Default Value: 0

joint string <optional>

"Mouse" parents the pick to the mouse; "Avatar" parents the pick to the user's avatar head; a joint name parents to the joint in the user's avatar; otherwise, the pick is "static", not parented to anything.

Used only if parentID is not specified.

scaleWithParent boolean <optional>

true to scale the pick's dimensions and threshold according to the scale of the parent.

Default Value: true

shape Shape

The collision region's shape and size. Dimensions are in world coordinates but scale with the parent if defined.

position Vec3

The position of the collision region, relative to the parent if defined.

orientation Quat

The orientation of the collision region, relative to the parent if defined.

threshold number

The approximate minimum penetration depth for a test object to be considered in contact with the collision region. The depth is in world coordinates but scales with the parent if defined.

collisionGroup CollisionMask <optional>

The type of objects the collision region collides as. Objects whose collision masks overlap with the region's collision group are considered to be colliding with the region.

Default Value: 8

pickType PickType

The type of pick when getting these properties from Picks.getPickProperties or Picks.getPickScriptParameters. A collision pick's type is PickType.Collision.

baseScale Vec3

Returned from Picks.getPickProperties when the pick has a parent with varying scale (usually an avatar or an entity). Its value is the original scale of the parent at the moment the pick was created, and is used to rescale the pick, and/or the pointer which owns this pick, if any.

Type: object

The properties of a parabola pick.


Name Type Attributes Summary
enabled boolean <optional>

true if this pick should start enabled, false if it should start disabled. Disabled picks do not update their pick results.

Default Value: false

filter number <optional>

The filter for this pick to use. Construct using Picks FilterFlags property values (e.g., Picks.PICK_DOMAIN_ENTITIES) combined with | (bitwise OR) operators.

Default Value: 0

maxDistance number <optional>

The maximum distance at which this pick will intersect. A value of 0.0 means no maximum.

Default Value: 0.0

parentID Uuid <optional>

The ID of the parent: an avatar, an entity, or another pick.

parentJointIndex number <optional>

The joint of the parent to parent to, for example, an avatar joint. A value of 0 means no joint.

Used only if parentID is specified.

Default Value: 0

joint string <optional>

"Mouse" parents the pick to the mouse; "Avatar" parents the pick to the user's avatar head; a joint name parents to the joint in the user's avatar; otherwise, the pick is "static", not parented to anything.

Used only if parentID is not specified.

position Vec3 <optional>

The offset of the parabola origin from its parent if parented, otherwise the parabola origin in world coordinates.

Default Value: Vec3.ZERO

posOffset Vec3 <optional>

Synonym for position.

direction Vec3 <optional>

The offset of the parabola direction from its parent's y-axis if parented, otherwise the parabola direction in world coordinates.

Default Value: Vec3.UP direction if joint is specified, otherwise Vec3.FRONT.

dirOffset Vec3 <optional>

Synonym for direction.

orientation Quat <optional>

Alternative property for specifying direction. The value is applied to the default direction value.

speed number <optional>

The initial speed of the parabola in m/s, i.e., the initial speed of a virtual projectile whose trajectory defines the parabola.

Default Value: 1

accelerationAxis Vec3 <optional>

The acceleration of the parabola in m/s2, i.e., the acceleration of a virtual projectile whose trajectory defines the parabola, both magnitude and direction.

Default Value: -Vec3.UP

rotateAccelerationWithAvatar boolean <optional>

true if the acceleration axis should rotate with the avatar about the avatar's y-axis, false if it shouldn't.

Default Value: true

rotateAccelerationWithParent boolean <optional>

true if the acceleration axis should rotate with the parent about the parent's y-axis, if available.

Default Value: false

scaleWithParent boolean <optional>

true if the velocity and acceleration of the pick should scale with the avatar or other parent.

Default Value: true

scaleWithAvatar boolean <optional>

Synonym for scalewithParent.

Deprecated: This property is deprecated and will be removed.

Default Value: true

pickType PickType

The type of pick when getting these properties from Picks.getPickProperties or Picks.getPickScriptParameters. A parabola pick's type is PickType.Parabola.

baseScale Vec3

Returned from Picks.getPickProperties when the pick has a parent with varying scale (usually an avatar or an entity). Its value is the original scale of the parent at the moment the pick was created, and is used to rescale the pick and the pointer which owns this pick, if any.

Type: object

The properties of a ray pick.


Name Type Attributes Summary
enabled boolean <optional>

true if this pick should start enabled, false if it should start disabled. Disabled picks do not update their pick results.

Default Value: false

filter FilterFlags <optional>

The filter for this pick to use. Construct using Picks FilterFlags property values (e.g., Picks.PICK_DOMAIN_ENTITIES) combined with | (bitwise OR) operators.

Default Value: 0

maxDistance number <optional>

The maximum distance at which this pick will intersect. A value of 0.0 means no maximum.

Default Value: 0.0

parentID Uuid <optional>

The ID of the parent: an avatar, an entity, or another pick.

parentJointIndex number <optional>

The joint of the parent to parent to, for example, an avatar joint. A value of 0 means no joint.

Used only if parentID is specified.

Default Value: 0

joint string <optional>

"Mouse" parents the pick to the mouse; "Avatar" parents the pick to the user's avatar head; a joint name parents to the joint in the user's avatar; otherwise, the pick is "static", not parented to anything.

Used only if parentID is not specified.

position Vec3 <optional>

The offset of the ray origin from its parent if parented, otherwise the ray origin in world coordinates.

Default Value: Vec3.ZERO

posOffset Vec3 <optional>

Synonym for position.

direction Vec3 <optional>

The offset of the ray direction from its parent's y-axis if parented, otherwise the ray direction in world coordinates.

Default Value: Vec3.UP direction if joint is specified, otherwise -Vec3.UP.

dirOffset Vec3 <optional>

Synonym for direction.

orientation Quat <optional>

Alternative property for specifying direction. The value is applied to the default direction value.

delay number <optional>

The delay, in seconds, to apply to the ray direction.

Default Value: 0.0

pickType PickType

The type of pick when getting these properties from Picks.getPickProperties or Picks.getPickScriptParameters. A ray pick's type is PickType.Ray.

baseScale Vec3

Returned from Picks.getPickProperties when the pick has a parent with varying scale (usually an avatar or an entity). Its value is the original scale of the parent at the moment the pick was created, and is used to scale the pointer which owns this pick, if any.

Type: object

The properties of a stylus pick.


Name Type Attributes Summary
hand number <optional>

0 for the left hand, 1 for the right hand, invalid (-1) otherwise.

Default Value: -1

enabled boolean <optional>

true if this pick should start enabled, false if it should start disabled. Disabled picks do not update their pick results.

Default Value: false

filter number <optional>

The filter for this pick to use. Construct using Picks FilterFlags property values (e.g., Picks.PICK_DOMAIN_ENTITIES) combined with | (bitwise OR) operators.

Note: Stylus picks do not intersect avatars or the HUD.

Default Value: 0

maxDistance number <optional>

The maximum distance at which this pick will intersect. A value of 0.0 means no maximum.

Default Value: 0.0

tipOffset Vec3 <optional>

The position of the stylus tip relative to the hand position at default avatar scale.

Default Value: 0,0.095,0

pickType PickType

The type of pick when getting these properties from Picks.getPickProperties or Picks.getPickScriptParameters. A stylus pick's type is PickType.Stylus.

Method Details

(static) INTERSECTED_AVATAR( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.INTERSECTED_AVATAR property instead.

(static) INTERSECTED_ENTITY( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.INTERSECTED_ENTITY property instead.

(static) INTERSECTED_HUD( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.INTERSECTED_HUD property instead.

(static) INTERSECTED_LOCAL_ENTITY( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.INTERSECTED_LOCAL_ENTITY property instead.

(static) INTERSECTED_NONE( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.INTERSECTED_NONE property instead.

(static) INTERSECTED_OVERLAY( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.INTERSECTED_LOCAL_ENTITY property instead.

(static) PICK_ALL_INTERSECTIONS( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_ALL_INTERSECTIONS property instead.

(static) PICK_AVATARS( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_AVATARS property instead.

(static) PICK_AVATAR_ENTITIES( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_AVATAR_ENTITIES property instead.

(static) PICK_COARSE( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_COARSE property instead.

(static) PICK_DOMAIN_ENTITIES( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_DOMAIN_ENTITIES property instead.

(static) PICK_ENTITIES( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_DOMAIN_ENTITIES | Picks.PICK_AVATAR_ENTITIES properties expression instead.

(static) PICK_HUD( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_HUD property instead.

(static) PICK_INCLUDE_COLLIDABLE( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_INCLUDE_COLLIDABLE property instead.

(static) PICK_INCLUDE_INVISIBLE( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_INCLUDE_INVISIBLE property instead.

(static) PICK_INCLUDE_NONCOLLIDABLE( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_INCLUDE_NONCOLLIDABLE property instead.

(static) PICK_INCLUDE_VISIBLE( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_INCLUDE_VISIBLE property instead.

(static) PICK_LOCAL_ENTITIES( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_LOCAL_ENTITIES property instead.

(static) PICK_OVERLAYS( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_LOCAL_ENTITIES property instead.

(static) PICK_PRECISE( ) → {number}
Returns: number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed. Use the Picks.PICK_PRECISE property instead.

(static) createPick( type, properties ) → {number}
Returns: The ID of the pick created. 0 if invalid.

Creates a new pick. Different PickTypes use different properties, and within one PickType the properties you choose can lead to a wide range of behaviors. For example, with PickType.Ray, the properties could configure a mouse ray pick, an avatar head ray pick, or a joint ray pick.

Warning: Picks created using this method currently always intersect at least visible and collidable things but this may not always be the case.


Name Type Description
type PickType

The type of picking to use.

properties Picks.RayPickProperties | Picks.ParabolaPickProperties | Picks.StylusPickProperties | Picks.CollisionPickProperties

Properties of the pick, per the pick type.

(static) disablePick( id )

Disables a pick. Disabled picks do not update their pick results.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pick.

(static) enablePick( id )

Enables a pick. Enabled picks update their pick results.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pick.

(static) getPickProperties( id ) → {Picks.RayPickProperties|Picks.ParabolaPickProperties|Picks.StylusPickProperties|Picks.CollisionPickProperties}
Returns: Properties of the pick, per the pick type.

Gets the current properties of the pick.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pick.

(static) getPickScriptParameters( id ) → {Picks.RayPickProperties|Picks.ParabolaPickProperties|Picks.StylusPickProperties|Picks.CollisionPickProperties}
Returns: Script-provided properties, per the pick type.

Gets the parameters that were passed in to Picks.createPick to create the pick, if the pick was created through a script. Note that these properties do not reflect the current state of the pick. See Picks.getPickProperties.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pick.

(static) getPicks( ) → {Array.<number>}
Returns: picks - The IDs of the picks.

Gets all picks which currently exist, including disabled picks.

(static) getPrevPickResult( id ) → {RayPickResult|ParabolaPickResult|StylusPickResult|CollisionPickResult}
Returns: The most recent intersection result.

Gets the most recent result from a pick. A pick continues to be updated ready to return a result, as long as it is enabled.

Note: Stylus picks only intersect with objects in their include list, set using setIncludeItems.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pick.


Highlight entities under your mouse in desktop mode or that you're looking at in HMD mode.

// Highlight.
var HIGHLIGHT_LIST_NAME = "highlightEntitiesExampleList";
var HIGHLIGHT_LIST_TYPE = "entity";
Selection.enableListHighlight(HIGHLIGHT_LIST_NAME, {});

// Ray pick.
var rayPick = Picks.createPick(PickType.Ray, {
    enabled: true,
    filter: PICK_FILTER,
    joint: HMD.active ? "Avatar" : "Mouse"

// Highlight intersected entity.
var highlightedEntityID = null;
Script.update.connect(function () {
    var rayPickResult = Picks.getPrevPickResult(rayPick);
    if (rayPickResult.intersects) {
        if (rayPickResult.objectID !== highlightedEntityID) {
            if (highlightedEntityID) {
                Selection.removeFromSelectedItemsList(HIGHLIGHT_LIST_NAME, HIGHLIGHT_LIST_TYPE, highlightedEntityID);
            highlightedEntityID = rayPickResult.objectID;
            Selection.addToSelectedItemsList(HIGHLIGHT_LIST_NAME, HIGHLIGHT_LIST_TYPE, highlightedEntityID);
    } else {
        if (highlightedEntityID) {
            Selection.removeFromSelectedItemsList(HIGHLIGHT_LIST_NAME, HIGHLIGHT_LIST_TYPE, highlightedEntityID);
            highlightedEntityID = null;

// Clean up.
Script.scriptEnding.connect(function () {
    if (highlightedEntityID) {
        Selection.removeFromSelectedItemsList(HIGHLIGHT_LIST_NAME, HIGHLIGHT_LIST_TYPE, highlightedEntityID);
(static) isLeftHand( id ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the pick is associated with the left hand, false if it isn't.

Checks if a pick is associated with the left hand: a ray or parabola pick with joint property set to "_CONTROLLER_LEFTHAND" or "_CAMERA_RELATIVE_CONTROLLER_LEFTHAND", or a stylus pick with hand property set to 0.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pick.

(static) isMouse( id ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the pick is associated with the system mouse, false if it isn't.

Checks if a pick is associated with the system mouse: a ray or parabola pick with joint property set to "Mouse".


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pick.

(static) isPickEnabled( id ) → {boolean}
Returns: enabled - Whether or not the pick is enabled.

Get the enabled status of a pick. Enabled picks update their pick results.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pick.

(static) isRightHand( id ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the pick is associated with the right hand, false if it isn't.

Checks if a pick is associated with the right hand: a ray or parabola pick with joint property set to "_CONTROLLER_RIGHTHAND" or "_CAMERA_RELATIVE_CONTROLLER_RIGHTHAND", or a stylus pick with hand property set to 1.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pick.

(static) removePick( id )

Removes (deletes) a pick.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pick.

(static) setDelay( id, delay )

Sets the delay of a Ray pick.

Note: Not used by other pick types.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pointer.

delay number

The desired delay in seconds.

(static) setIgnoreItems( id, ignoreItems )

Sets a list of entity and avatar IDs that a pick should ignore during intersection.

Note: Not used by stylus picks.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pick.

ignoreItems Array.<Uuid>

The list of IDs to ignore.

(static) setIncludeItems( id, includeItems )

Sets a list of entity and avatar IDs that a pick should include during intersection, instead of intersecting with everything.

Note: Stylus picks only intersect with items in their include list.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pick.

includeItems Array.<Uuid>

The list of IDs to include.

(static) setPrecisionPicking( id, precisionPicking )

Sets whether or not a pick should use precision picking, i.e., whether it should pick against precise meshes or coarse meshes. This has the same effect as using the PICK_PRECISE or PICK_COARSE filter flags.


Name Type Description
id number

The ID of the pick.

precisionPicking boolean

true to use precision picking, false to use coarse picking.