Supported Script Types: Interface Scripts • Client Entity Scripts • Avatar Scripts
API provides information about the hardware platform being used.Methods
Name | Return Value | Summary |
string |
Gets the platform description of a CPU. |
string |
Gets information on the CPU model. Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.
Use |
string |
Gets the platform description of the computer. |
string |
Gets the platform description of a display. |
string |
Gets the platform description of a GPU. |
string |
Gets the model of the graphics card currently being used. Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.
Use |
string |
Gets the platform description of computer memory. |
number |
Gets the number of CPUs. |
number |
Gets the number of displays. |
number |
Gets the number of GPUs. |
number |
Gets the number of logical CPU cores. Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.
Use |
string |
Gets the operating system type. Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.
Use |
string |
Gets the complete description of the computer as a whole. |
Array.<string> |
Gets the names of the possible platform tiers, per PlatformInfo.PlatformTier. |
number |
Gets the index number of the primary CPU. |
number |
Gets the index number of the primary display. |
number |
Gets the index number of the primary GPU. |
PlatformInfo.PlatformTier |
Gets the platform tier of the computer, profiled at Interface start-up. |
number |
Gets the total amount of usable physical memory, in MB. Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.
Use |
boolean |
Checks whether HTML on 3D surfaces (e.g., Web entities) is supported. |
boolean |
Checks whether Oculus Touch controllers are connected. |
boolean |
Checks whether Vive controllers are connected. |
boolean |
Gets whether the current hardware can use deferred rendering. |
boolean |
Checks whether Interface is running on a stand-alone HMD device (CPU incorporated into the HMD display). |
Type Definitions
CPUDescription Type: object |
Information on a CPU. Properties
ComputerDescription Type: object |
Information on the computer. Properties
ComputerOS Type: string |
The computer operating system.
DisplayDescription Type: object |
Information on a display. Properties
GPUDescription Type: object |
Information on a GPU. Properties
GraphicsAPIDescription Type: object |
Information on a graphics API. Properties
MemoryDescription Type: object |
Information on the computer's memory. Properties
NICDescription Type: object |
Information on a network card. Properties
PlatformDescription Type: object |
Information on the computer platform as a whole. Properties
PlatformTier Type: number |
The platform tier of a computer is an indication of its rendering capability.
VulkanAPIDescription Type: object |
Information on a Vulkan graphics API. Properties
VulkanHeapDescription Type: object |
Information on a Vulkan heap. Properties
VulkanQueueDescription Type: object |
Information on a Vulkan queue. Properties
Method Details
(static) getCPU( index ) → {string}
Returns: The CPU's CPUDescription information as a JSON string. |
Gets the platform description of a CPU. Parameters
ExampleReport details of the computer's CPUs.
(static) getCPUBrand( ) → {string}
Returns: Information on the CPU. |
Gets information on the CPU model. Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.
Use |
(static) getComputer( ) → {string}
Returns: The ComputerDescription information as a JSON string. |
Gets the platform description of the computer. |
(static) getDisplay( index ) → {string}
Returns: The display's DisplayDescription information as a JSON string. |
Gets the platform description of a display. Parameters
ExampleReport details of the systems's displays.
(static) getGPU( index ) → {string}
Returns: The GPU's GPUDescription information as a JSON string. |
Gets the platform description of a GPU. Parameters
ExampleReport details of the computer's GPUs.
(static) getGraphicsCardType( ) → {string}
Returns: The model of the graphics card currently being used. |
Gets the model of the graphics card currently being used. Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.
Use |
(static) getMemory( ) → {string}
Returns: The computer's MemoryDescription information as a JSON string. |
Gets the platform description of computer memory. ExampleReport details of the computer's memory.
(static) getNumCPUs( ) → {number}
Returns: The number of CPUs. |
Gets the number of CPUs. |
(static) getNumDisplays( ) → {number}
Returns: The number of displays. |
Gets the number of displays. |
(static) getNumGPUs( ) → {number}
Returns: The number of GPUs. |
Gets the number of GPUs. |
(static) getNumLogicalCores( ) → {number}
Returns: The number of logical CPU cores. |
Gets the number of logical CPU cores. Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.
Use |
(static) getOperatingSystemType( ) → {string}
Returns: The operating system type: "WINDOWS" , "MACOS" , or "UNKNOWN" .
Gets the operating system type. Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.
Use |
(static) getPlatform( ) → {string}
Returns: The PlatformDescription information as a JSON string. |
Gets the complete description of the computer as a whole. |
(static) getPlatformTierNames( ) → {Array.<string>}
Returns: The names of the possible platform tiers. |
Gets the names of the possible platform tiers, per PlatformInfo.PlatformTier. |
(static) getPrimaryCPU( ) → {number}
Returns: The index of the primary CPU. |
Gets the index number of the primary CPU. |
(static) getPrimaryDisplay( ) → {number}
Returns: The index of the primary display. |
Gets the index number of the primary display. |
(static) getPrimaryGPU( ) → {number}
Returns: The index of the primary GPU. |
Gets the index number of the primary GPU. |
(static) getTierProfiled( ) → {PlatformInfo.PlatformTier}
Returns: The platform tier of the computer. |
Gets the platform tier of the computer, profiled at Interface start-up. ExampleReport the platform tier of the computer.
(static) getTotalSystemMemoryMB( ) → {number}
Returns: The total system memory in megabytes. |
Gets the total amount of usable physical memory, in MB. Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.
Use |
(static) has3DHTML( ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the current display supports HTML on 3D surfaces, false if it
Checks whether HTML on 3D surfaces (e.g., Web entities) is supported. |
(static) hasRiftControllers( ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if Oculus Touch controllers are connected, false if they aren't.
Checks whether Oculus Touch controllers are connected. |
(static) hasViveControllers( ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if Vive controllers are connected, false if they aren't.
Checks whether Vive controllers are connected. |
(static) isRenderMethodDeferredCapable( ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the current hardware can use deferred rendering, false if it can't.
Gets whether the current hardware can use deferred rendering. |
(static) isStandalone( ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if Interface is running on a stand-alone HMD device, false if it isn't.
Checks whether Interface is running on a stand-alone HMD device (CPU incorporated into the HMD display). |