

Supported Script Types: Interface Scripts • Client Entity Scripts • Avatar Scripts

The Render API enables you to configure the graphics engine.


Name Type Summary
renderMethod Render.RenderMethod

The render method being used.

shadowsEnabled boolean

true if shadows are enabled, false if they're disabled.

hazeEnabled boolean

true if haze (fog) is enabled, false if it's disabled.

bloomEnabled boolean

true if bloom is enabled, false if it's disabled.

ambientOcclusionEnabled boolean

true if ambient occlusion is enabled, false if it's disabled.

proceduralMaterialsEnabled boolean

true if procedural shaders are enabled, false if they're disabled.

antialiasingMode integer

The active anti-aliasing mode.

viewportResolutionScale number

The view port resolution scale, > 0.0.

cameraClippingEnabled boolean

true if third person camera clipping is enabled, false if it's disabled.


Name Return Value Summary
getAmbientOcclusionEnabled boolean

Gets whether or not ambient occlusion is enabled.

getAntialiasingMode AntialiasingMode

Gets the active anti-aliasing mode.

getBloomEnabled boolean

Gets whether or not bloom is enabled.

getCameraClippingEnabled boolean

Gets whether or not third person camera clipping is enabled.

getConfig object

Gets the configuration for a rendering job by name.

Warning: For internal, debugging purposes. Subject to change.

getFullScreenScreen string

Gets the screen used when switching to full screen mode.

getHazeEnabled boolean

Gets whether or not haze is enabled.

getProceduralMaterialsEnabled boolean

Gets whether or not procedural materials are enabled.

getRenderMethod Render.RenderMethod

Gets the render method being used.

getRenderMethodNames Array.<string>

Gets the names of the possible render methods, per Render.RenderMethod.

getScreens Array.<string>

Returns the list of screens

getShadowsEnabled boolean

Gets whether or not shadows are enabled.

getVerticalFieldOfView number

Gets the vertical field of view in degrees.

getViewportResolutionScale number

Gets the view port resolution scale.

setAmbientOcclusionEnabled None

Sets whether or not ambient occlusion is enabled.

setAntialiasingMode None

Sets the active anti-aliasing mode.

setBloomEnabled None

Sets whether or not bloom is enabled.

setCameraClippingEnabled None

Sets whether or not third person camera clipping is enabled.

setFullScreenScreen bool

Sets the screen used when switching to full screen mode. This function will only succeed if the name passed is one of the entries from Render.getScreens. Otherwise, it will return False and have no effect.

setHazeEnabled None

Sets whether or not haze is enabled.

setProceduralMaterialsEnabled None

Sets whether or not procedural materials are enabled.

setRenderMethod None

Sets the render method to use.

setShadowsEnabled None

Sets whether or not shadows are enabled.

setVerticalFieldOfView None

Sets the vertical field of view in degrees.

setViewportResolutionScale None

Sets the view port resolution scale.


Name Summary

Triggered when one of the Render API's properties changes.

Type Definitions

Type: number

The rendering method is specified by the following values:

0DEFERREDMore complex rendering pipeline where lighting is applied to the scene as a whole after all objects have been rendered.
1FORWARDSimpler rendering pipeline where each object in the scene, in turn, is rendered and has lighting applied.

Method Details

(static) getAmbientOcclusionEnabled( ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if ambient occlusion is enabled, false if it's disabled.

Gets whether or not ambient occlusion is enabled.

(static) getAntialiasingMode( ) → {AntialiasingMode}
Returns: The active anti-aliasing mode.

Gets the active anti-aliasing mode.

(static) getBloomEnabled( ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if bloom is enabled, false if it's disabled.

Gets whether or not bloom is enabled.

(static) getCameraClippingEnabled( ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if camera clipping is enabled, false if it's disabled.

Gets whether or not third person camera clipping is enabled.

(static) getConfig( name ) → {object}
Returns: The configuration for the rendering job.

Gets the configuration for a rendering job by name.

Warning: For internal, debugging purposes. Subject to change.


Name Type Description
name string

The name of the rendering job.

(static) getFullScreenScreen( ) → {string}
Returns: The name of the screen used for full screen mode.

Gets the screen used when switching to full screen mode.

(static) getHazeEnabled( ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if haze is enabled, false if it's disabled.

Gets whether or not haze is enabled.

(static) getProceduralMaterialsEnabled( ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if procedural materials are enabled, false if they're disabled.

Gets whether or not procedural materials are enabled.

(static) getRenderMethod( ) → {Render.RenderMethod}
Returns: The render method being used.

Gets the render method being used.


Report the current render method.

var renderMethod = Render.getRenderMethod();
print("Current render method: " + Render.getRenderMethodNames()[renderMethod]);
(static) getRenderMethodNames( ) → {Array.<string>}
Returns: The names of the possible render methods.

Gets the names of the possible render methods, per Render.RenderMethod.


Report the names of the possible render methods.

var renderMethods = Render.getRenderMethodNames();
print("Render methods:");
for (var i = 0; i < renderMethods.length; i++) {
    print("- " + renderMethods[i]);
(static) getScreens( ) → {Array.<string>}
Returns: The names of the available screens.

Returns the list of screens

(static) getShadowsEnabled( ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if shadows are enabled, false if they're disabled.

Gets whether or not shadows are enabled.

(static) getVerticalFieldOfView( ) → {number}
Returns: The vertical field of view in degrees.

Gets the vertical field of view in degrees.

(static) getViewportResolutionScale( ) → {number}
Returns: The view port resolution scale, > 0.0.

Gets the view port resolution scale.

(static) setAmbientOcclusionEnabled( enabled )

Sets whether or not ambient occlusion is enabled.


Name Type Description
enabled boolean

true to enable ambient occlusion, false to disable.

(static) setAntialiasingMode( The )

Sets the active anti-aliasing mode.


Name Type Description
The AntialiasingMode

active anti-aliasing mode.

(static) setBloomEnabled( enabled )

Sets whether or not bloom is enabled.


Name Type Description
enabled boolean

true to enable bloom, false to disable.

(static) setCameraClippingEnabled( enabled )

Sets whether or not third person camera clipping is enabled.


Name Type Description
enabled boolean

true to enable third person camera clipping, false to disable.

(static) setFullScreenScreen( ) → {bool}
Returns: True if the setting was successful.

Sets the screen used when switching to full screen mode. This function will only succeed if the name passed is one of the entries from Render.getScreens. Otherwise, it will return False and have no effect.

(static) setHazeEnabled( enabled )

Sets whether or not haze is enabled.


Name Type Description
enabled boolean

true to enable haze, false to disable.

(static) setProceduralMaterialsEnabled( enabled )

Sets whether or not procedural materials are enabled.


Name Type Description
enabled boolean

true to enable procedural materials, false to disable.

(static) setRenderMethod( renderMethod )

Sets the render method to use.


Name Type Description
renderMethod Render.RenderMethod

The render method to use.

(static) setShadowsEnabled( enabled )

Sets whether or not shadows are enabled.


Name Type Description
enabled boolean

true to enable shadows, false to disable.

(static) setVerticalFieldOfView( fieldOfView )

Sets the vertical field of view in degrees.


Name Type Description
fieldOfView number

The vertical field of view in degrees to set.

(static) setViewportResolutionScale( resolutionScale )

Sets the view port resolution scale.


Name Type Description
resolutionScale number

The view port resolution scale to set, > 0.0.

Signal Details

settingsChanged( )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when one of the Render API's properties changes.


Report when a render setting changes.

Render.settingsChanged.connect(function () {
    print("Render setting changed");
// Toggle Developer > Render > Shadows or similar to trigger.