

Supported Script Types: Interface Scripts • Client Entity Scripts • Avatar Scripts

An instance of a tablet. In toolbar mode (see Developer > UI options), the tablet's menu buttons are displayed in a toolbar and other tablet content is displayed in a dialog.

Retrieve an existing tablet or create a new tablet using Tablet.getTablet.


Name Type Summary
name string

A unique name that identifies the tablet. Read-only.

toolbarMode boolean

true if the tablet is in toolbar mode, false if it isn't.

landscape boolean

true if the tablet is displayed in landscape mode, false if it is displayed in portrait mode.

Note: This property isn't used in toolbar mode.

tabletShown boolean

true if the tablet is currently displayed, false if it isn't.

Note: This property isn't used in toolbar mode.

buttons TabletProxy.TabletButtonListModel

Information on the buttons in the tablet main menu (or toolbar in toolbar mode) for use in QML. Read-only.


Name Return Value Summary
addButton TabletButtonProxy

Adds a new button to the tablet menu.

closeDialog None

Closes any open modal, non-modal, or message dialog, opened by Window.prompt, Window.promptAsync, Window.openMessageBox, or similar.

desktopWindowClosed None

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

emitScriptEvent None

Sends a message to the current web page. To receive the message, the web page's script must connect to the EventBridge that is automatically provided to the script:

EventBridge.scriptEventReceived.connect(function(message) {

Warning: The EventBridge object is not necessarily set up immediately ready for the web page's script to use. A simple workaround that normally works is to add a delay before calling EventBridge.scriptEventReceived.connect(...). A better solution is to periodically call EventBridge.scriptEventReceived.connect(...) and then EventBridge.emitWebEvent(...) to send a message to the Interface script, and have that send a message back using emitScriptEvent(...); when the return message is received, the EventBridge is ready for use.

emitWebEvent None

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

getLandscape boolean

Gets whether the tablet is displayed in landscape or portrait mode.

Note: The setting isn't used in toolbar mode.

gotoHomeScreen None

Displays the tablet home screen, if the tablet is open.

gotoMenuScreen None

Displays the tablet menu. The tablet is opened if it isn't already open.

gotoWebScreen None

Opens a web app or page in addition to any current app. In tablet mode, the app or page is displayed over the top of the current app; in toolbar mode, the app is opened in a new window that replaces any current window open. If in tablet mode, the app or page can be closed using TabletProxy#returnToPreviousApp.

initialScreen None

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

isMessageDialogOpen boolean

Checks if the tablet has a modal, non-modal, or message dialog open.

isPathLoaded boolean

Checks if a path is the current app or dialog displayed.

loadHTMLSourceOnTopImpl None

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

loadQMLOnTop None

Opens a QML app or dialog in addition to any current app. In tablet mode, the app or dialog is displayed over the top of the current app; in toolbar mode, the app or dialog is opened in a new window. If in tablet mode, the app can be closed using TabletProxy#returnToPreviousApp.

loadQMLOnTopImpl None

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

loadQMLSource None

Opens a QML app or dialog on the tablet.

loadQMLSourceImpl None

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

loadWebScreenOnTop None

Opens a web app or page in addition to any current app. In tablet mode, the app or page is displayed over the top of the current app; in toolbar mode, the app is opened in a new window that replaces any current window open. If in tablet mode, the app or page can be closed using TabletProxy#returnToPreviousApp.

onHomeScreen boolean

Checks if the tablet is on the home screen.

onTabletShown None

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

popFromStack None

Closes a QML dialog that was displayed using pushOntoStack with a dialog implementing a QML StackView; otherwise, no action is taken.

If using a QML StackView, its popSource() function is called.

pushOntoStack boolean

Displays a QML dialog over the top of the current dialog, without closing the current dialog. Use popFromStack to close the dialog.

If the current dialog or its ancestors contain a QML StackView with objectName: "stack" and function pushSource(path), that function is called; otherwise, loadQMLSource is called. The Create app provides an example of using a QML StackView.

removeButton None

Removes a button from the tablet menu.

returnToPreviousApp None

Closes the current app and returns to the previous app, if in tablet mode and the current app was loaded using loadQMLOnTop or loadWebScreenOnTop.

returnToPreviousAppImpl None

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

sendToQml None

Sends a message to the current QML page. To receive the message, the QML page must implement a function:

function fromScript(message) {
setLandscape None

Sets whether the tablet is displayed in landscape or portrait mode.

Note: The setting isn't used in toolbar mode.


Name Summary

Triggered when a message from the current QML page displayed on the tablet is received. The QML page can send a message (string or object) by calling:


Triggered when the tablet's screen changes.


Triggered when the tablet is opened or closed.

Note: Doesn't apply in toolbar mode.


Triggered when the tablet's toolbar mode changes.


Triggered when a message from the current HTML web page displayed on the tablet is received. The HTML web page can send a message by calling:


Type Definitions

Type: object

Information on the buttons in the tablet main menu (toolbar in toolbar mode) for use in QML. Has properties and functions per

Method Details

addButton( properties ) → {TabletButtonProxy}
Returns: The button added.

Adds a new button to the tablet menu.


Name Type Description
properties TabletButtonProxy.ButtonProperties

Button properties.


Add a menu button.

var tablet = Tablet.getTablet("com.highfidelity.interface.tablet.system");
var button = tablet.addButton({ text: "TEST" });

button.clicked.connect(function () {
    print("TEST button clicked");

Script.scriptEnding.connect(function () {
closeDialog( )

Closes any open modal, non-modal, or message dialog, opened by Window.prompt, Window.promptAsync, Window.openMessageBox, or similar.

desktopWindowClosed( )

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

emitScriptEvent( message )

Sends a message to the current web page. To receive the message, the web page's script must connect to the EventBridge that is automatically provided to the script:

EventBridge.scriptEventReceived.connect(function(message) {

Warning: The EventBridge object is not necessarily set up immediately ready for the web page's script to use. A simple workaround that normally works is to add a delay before calling EventBridge.scriptEventReceived.connect(...). A better solution is to periodically call EventBridge.scriptEventReceived.connect(...) and then EventBridge.emitWebEvent(...) to send a message to the Interface script, and have that send a message back using emitScriptEvent(...); when the return message is received, the EventBridge is ready for use.


Name Type Description
message string | object

The message to send to the web page.

emitWebEvent( message )

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.


Name Type Description
message object | string


getLandscape( ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the tablet is displayed in landscape mode, false if it is displayed in portrait mode.

Gets whether the tablet is displayed in landscape or portrait mode.

Note: The setting isn't used in toolbar mode.

gotoHomeScreen( )

Displays the tablet home screen, if the tablet is open.

gotoMenuScreen( submenuopt )

Displays the tablet menu. The tablet is opened if it isn't already open.


Name Type Attributes Default Value Description
submenu string <optional>

The name of a submenu to display, if any.


Go to the "View" menu.

gotoWebScreen( url, injectedJavaScriptUrlopt, loadOtherBaseopt )

Opens a web app or page in addition to any current app. In tablet mode, the app or page is displayed over the top of the current app; in toolbar mode, the app is opened in a new window that replaces any current window open. If in tablet mode, the app or page can be closed using TabletProxy#returnToPreviousApp.


Name Type Attributes Default Value Description
url string

The URL of the web page or app.

injectedJavaScriptUrl string <optional>

The URL of JavaScript to inject into the web page.

loadOtherBase boolean <optional>

If true, the web page or app is displayed in a frame with "back" and "close" buttons.

Deprecated: This parameter is deprecated and will be removed.

initialScreen( url )

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.


Name Type Description
url string


isMessageDialogOpen( ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if a modal, non-modal, or message dialog is open, false if there isn't.

Checks if the tablet has a modal, non-modal, or message dialog open.

isPathLoaded( path ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if path is the current app or dialog, false if it isn't.

Checks if a path is the current app or dialog displayed.


Name Type Description
path string

The path to test.

loadHTMLSourceOnTopImpl( )

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

loadQMLOnTop( path )

Opens a QML app or dialog in addition to any current app. In tablet mode, the app or dialog is displayed over the top of the current app; in toolbar mode, the app or dialog is opened in a new window. If in tablet mode, the app can be closed using TabletProxy#returnToPreviousApp.


Name Type Description
path string

The path to the app's QML.

loadQMLOnTopImpl( )

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

loadQMLSource( path, resizableopt )

Opens a QML app or dialog on the tablet.


Name Type Attributes Default Value Description
path string

The path of the QML app or dialog.

resizable boolean <optional>

true to make the dialog resizable in toolbar mode, false to have it not resizable.

loadQMLSourceImpl( )

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

loadWebScreenOnTop( path, injectedJavaScriptURLopt )

Opens a web app or page in addition to any current app. In tablet mode, the app or page is displayed over the top of the current app; in toolbar mode, the app is opened in a new window that replaces any current window open. If in tablet mode, the app or page can be closed using TabletProxy#returnToPreviousApp.


Name Type Attributes Default Value Description
path string

The URL of the web page or HTML app.

injectedJavaScriptURL string <optional>

The URL of JavaScript to inject into the web page.

onHomeScreen( ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the tablet is on the home screen, false if it isn't.

Checks if the tablet is on the home screen.

onTabletShown( )

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

popFromStack( )

Closes a QML dialog that was displayed using pushOntoStack with a dialog implementing a QML StackView; otherwise, no action is taken.

If using a QML StackView, its popSource() function is called.

pushOntoStack( path ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if the dialog was successfully opened, false if it wasn't.

Displays a QML dialog over the top of the current dialog, without closing the current dialog. Use popFromStack to close the dialog.

If the current dialog or its ancestors contain a QML StackView with objectName: "stack" and function pushSource(path), that function is called; otherwise, loadQMLSource is called. The Create app provides an example of using a QML StackView.


Name Type Description
path string

The path to the dialog's QML.

removeButton( button )

Removes a button from the tablet menu.


Name Type Description
button TabletButtonProxy

The button to remove.

returnToPreviousApp( )

Closes the current app and returns to the previous app, if in tablet mode and the current app was loaded using loadQMLOnTop or loadWebScreenOnTop.

returnToPreviousAppImpl( )

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

sendToQml( message )

Sends a message to the current QML page. To receive the message, the QML page must implement a function:

function fromScript(message) {


Name Type Description
message string | object

The message to send to the QML page.

setLandscape( landscape )

Sets whether the tablet is displayed in landscape or portrait mode.

Note: The setting isn't used in toolbar mode.


Name Type Description
landscape boolean

true to display the tablet in landscape mode, false to display it in portrait mode.

Signal Details

fromQml( message )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when a message from the current QML page displayed on the tablet is received. The QML page can send a message (string or object) by calling:



Name Type Description
message string | object

The message received.

screenChanged( type, url )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when the tablet's screen changes.


Name Type Description
type string

The type of the new screen or change: "Home", "Menu", "QML", "Web", "Closed", or "Unknown".

url string

The url of the page displayed. Only valid for Web and QML.

tabletShownChanged( )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when the tablet is opened or closed.

Note: Doesn't apply in toolbar mode.

toolbarModeChanged( )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when the tablet's toolbar mode changes.


Report when the system tablet's toolbar mode changes.

var tablet = Tablet.getTablet("com.highfidelity.interface.tablet.system");
tablet.toolbarModeChanged.connect(function () {
    print("Tablet toolbar mode changed to: " + tablet.toolbarMode);
// Use Developer > UI > Tablet Becomes Toolbar to change the toolbar mode.
webEventReceived( message )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when a message from the current HTML web page displayed on the tablet is received. The HTML web page can send a message by calling:



Name Type Description
message string | object

The message received.