

Supported Script Types: Interface Scripts • Client Entity Scripts • Avatar Scripts

The AvatarManager API provides information about avatars within the current domain. The avatars available are those that Interface has displayed and therefore knows about.

Warning: This API is also provided to Interface, client entity, and avatar scripts as the synonym, "AvatarList". For assignment client scripts, see the separate AvatarList API.


Name Return Value Summary
findParabolaIntersectionVector ParabolaToAvatarIntersectionResult

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

findRayIntersection RayToAvatarIntersectionResult

Find the first avatar intersected by a PickRay.

findRayIntersectionVector RayToAvatarIntersectionResult

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

getAvatar ScriptAvatar

Gets information about an avatar.

getAvatarDataRate number

Gets the amount of avatar mixer data being generated by an avatar other than your own.

getAvatarIdentifiers Array.<Uuid>

Gets the IDs of all avatars known about in the domain. Your own avatar is included in the list as a null value.

getAvatarSimulationRate number

Gets the simulation rate of an avatar other than your own.

getAvatarSortCoefficient number

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

getAvatarUpdateRate number

Gets the update rate of avatar mixer data being generated by an avatar other than your own.

getAvatarsInRange Array.<Uuid>

Gets the IDs of all avatars known about within a specified distance from a point. Your own avatar's ID is included in the list if it is in range.

getPalData Object.<"data", Array.<AvatarManager.PalData>>

Gets PAL (People Access List) data for one or more avatars. Using this method is faster than iterating over each avatar and obtaining data about each individually.

isAvatarInRange boolean

Checks whether there is an avatar within a specified distance from a point.

processAvatarDataPacket None

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

processAvatarIdentityPacket None

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

processBulkAvatarTraits None

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

processKillAvatar None

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

sessionUUIDChanged None

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

setAvatarSortCoefficient None

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.

setEnableDebugDrawOtherSkeletons None

Displays other avatars skeletons debug graphics.

updateAvatarRenderStatus None

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.


Name Summary

Triggered when an avatar arrives in the domain.


Triggered when an avatar leaves the domain.


Triggered when an avatar's session ID changes.

Type Definitions

Type: object

PAL (People Access List) data for an avatar.


Name Type Summary
sessionUUID Uuid

The avatar's session ID. "" if the avatar is your own.

sessionDisplayName string

The avatar's display name, sanitized and versioned, as defined by the avatar mixer. It is unique among all avatars present in the domain at the time.

audioLoudness number

The instantaneous loudness of the audio input that the avatar is injecting into the domain.

isReplicated boolean

Deprecated: This property is deprecated and will be removed.

position Vec3

The position of the avatar.

palOrbOffset number

The vertical offset from the avatar's position that an overlay orb should be displayed at.

Method Details

(static) findParabolaIntersectionVector( pick, avatarsToInclude, avatarsToDiscard ) → {ParabolaToAvatarIntersectionResult}
Returns: Intersection result.

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.


Name Type Description
pick PickParabola


avatarsToInclude Array.<Uuid>

Avatars to include.

avatarsToDiscard Array.<Uuid>

Avatars to discard.

(static) findRayIntersection( ray, avatarsToIncludeopt, avatarsToDiscardopt, pickAgainstMeshopt ) → {RayToAvatarIntersectionResult}
Returns: The result of the search for the first intersected avatar.

Find the first avatar intersected by a PickRay.


Name Type Attributes Default Value Description
ray PickRay

The ray to use for finding avatars.

avatarsToInclude Array.<Uuid> <optional>

If not empty then search is restricted to these avatars.

avatarsToDiscard Array.<Uuid> <optional>

Avatars to ignore in the search.

pickAgainstMesh boolean <optional>

If true then the exact intersection with the avatar mesh is calculated, if false then the intersection is approximate.


Find the first avatar directly in front of you.

var pickRay = {
    origin: MyAvatar.position,
    direction: Quat.getFront(MyAvatar.orientation)

var intersection = AvatarManager.findRayIntersection(pickRay);
if (intersection.intersects) {
    print("Avatar found: " + JSON.stringify(intersection));
} else {
    print("No avatar found.");
(static) findRayIntersectionVector( ray, avatarsToInclude, avatarsToDiscard, pickAgainstMesh ) → {RayToAvatarIntersectionResult}
Returns: Intersection result.

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.


Name Type Description
ray PickRay


avatarsToInclude Array.<Uuid>

Avatars to include.

avatarsToDiscard Array.<Uuid>

Avatars to discard.

pickAgainstMesh boolean

Pick against mesh.

(static) getAvatar( avatarID ) → {ScriptAvatar}
Returns: Information about the avatar.

Gets information about an avatar.


Name Type Description
avatarID Uuid

The ID of the avatar.

(static) getAvatarDataRate( sessionID, rateNameopt ) → {number}
Returns: The data rate in kbps; 0 if the avatar is your own.

Gets the amount of avatar mixer data being generated by an avatar other than your own.


Name Type Attributes Default Value Description
sessionID Uuid

The ID of the avatar whose data rate you're retrieving.

rateName AvatarDataRate <optional>

The type of avatar mixer data to get the data rate of.

(static) getAvatarIdentifiers( ) → {Array.<Uuid>}
Returns: The IDs of all known avatars in the domain.

Gets the IDs of all avatars known about in the domain. Your own avatar is included in the list as a null value.


Report the IDS of all avatars within the domain.

var avatars = AvatarManager.getAvatarIdentifiers();
print("Avatars in the domain: " + JSON.stringify(avatars));
// A null item is included for your avatar.
(static) getAvatarSimulationRate( sessionID, rateNameopt ) → {number}
Returns: The simulation rate in Hz; 0 if the avatar is your own.

Gets the simulation rate of an avatar other than your own.


Name Type Attributes Default Value Description
sessionID Uuid

The ID of the avatar whose simulation you're retrieving.

rateName AvatarSimulationRate <optional>

The type of avatar data to get the simulation rate of.

(static) getAvatarSortCoefficient( name ) → {number}
Returns: Value.

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.


Name Type Description
name string


(static) getAvatarUpdateRate( sessionID, rateNameopt ) → {number}
Returns: The update rate in Hz; 0 if the avatar is your own.

Gets the update rate of avatar mixer data being generated by an avatar other than your own.


Name Type Attributes Default Value Description
sessionID Uuid

The ID of the avatar whose update rate you're retrieving.

rateName AvatarUpdateRate <optional>

The type of avatar mixer data to get the update rate of.

(static) getAvatarsInRange( position, range ) → {Array.<Uuid>}
Returns: The IDs of all known avatars within the search distance from the position.

Gets the IDs of all avatars known about within a specified distance from a point. Your own avatar's ID is included in the list if it is in range.


Name Type Description
position Vec3

The point about which the search is performed.

range number

The search radius.


Report the IDs of all avatars within 10m of your avatar.

var RANGE = 10;
var avatars = AvatarManager.getAvatarsInRange(MyAvatar.position, RANGE);
print("Nearby avatars: " + JSON.stringify(avatars));
print("Own avatar: " + MyAvatar.sessionUUID);
(static) getPalData( avatarIDsopt ) → {Object.<"data", Array.<AvatarManager.PalData>>}
Returns: An array of objects, each object being the PAL data for an avatar.

Gets PAL (People Access List) data for one or more avatars. Using this method is faster than iterating over each avatar and obtaining data about each individually.


Name Type Attributes Default Value Description
avatarIDs Array.<string> <optional>

The IDs of the avatars to get the PAL data for. If empty, then PAL data is obtained for all avatars.


Report the PAL data for an avatar nearby.

var palData = AvatarManager.getPalData();
print("PAL data for one avatar: " + JSON.stringify(palData.data[0]));
(static) isAvatarInRange( position, range ) → {boolean}
Returns: true if there's an avatar within the specified distance of the point, false if not.

Checks whether there is an avatar within a specified distance from a point.


Name Type Description
position string

The test position.

range string

The test distance.

(static) processAvatarDataPacket( message, sendingNode )

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.


Name Type Description
message object


sendingNode object

Sending node.

(static) processAvatarIdentityPacket( message, sendingNode )

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.


Name Type Description
message object


sendingNode object

Sending node.

(static) processBulkAvatarTraits( message, sendingNode )

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.


Name Type Description
message object


sendingNode object

Sending node.

(static) processKillAvatar( message, sendingNode )

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.


Name Type Description
message object


sendingNode object

Sending node.

(static) sessionUUIDChanged( sessionUUID, oldSessionUUID )

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.


Name Type Description
sessionUUID Uuid

New session ID.

oldSessionUUID Uuid

Old session ID.

(static) setAvatarSortCoefficient( name, value )

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.


Name Type Description
name string


value number


(static) setEnableDebugDrawOtherSkeletons( enabled )

Displays other avatars skeletons debug graphics.


Name Type Description
enabled boolean

true to show the debug graphics, false to hide.

(static) updateAvatarRenderStatus( shouldRenderAvatars )

Deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed.


Name Type Description
shouldRenderAvatars boolean

Should render avatars.

Signal Details

avatarAddedEvent( sessionUUID )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when an avatar arrives in the domain.


Name Type Description
sessionUUID Uuid

The ID of the avatar that arrived in the domain.


Report when an avatar arrives in the domain.

AvatarManager.avatarAddedEvent.connect(function (sessionID) {
    print("Avatar arrived: " + sessionID);

// Note: If using from the AvatarList API, replace "AvatarManager" with "AvatarList".
avatarRemovedEvent( sessionUUID )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when an avatar leaves the domain.


Name Type Description
sessionUUID Uuid

The ID of the avatar that left the domain.


Report when an avatar leaves the domain.

AvatarManager.avatarRemovedEvent.connect(function (sessionID) {
    print("Avatar left: " + sessionID);

// Note: If using from the AvatarList API, replace "AvatarManager" with "AvatarList".
avatarSessionChangedEvent( newSessionUUID, oldSessionUUID )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when an avatar's session ID changes.


Name Type Description
newSessionUUID Uuid

The new session ID.

oldSessionUUID Uuid

The old session ID.


Report when an avatar's session ID changes.

AvatarManager.avatarSessionChangedEvent.connect(function (newSessionID, oldSessionID) {
    print("Avatar session ID changed from " + oldSessionID + " to " + newSessionID);

// Note: If using from the AvatarList API, replace "AvatarManager" with "AvatarList".