

Supported Script Types: Interface Scripts • Client Entity Scripts • Avatar Scripts

The AudioStats API provides statistics of the client and mixer audio.




Name Type Summary
clientStream AudioStats.AudioStreamStats

Statistics of the client's audio stream. Read-only.

inputReadMsMax number

The maximum duration of a block of audio data recently read from the microphone, in ms. Read-only.

inputUnplayedMsMax number

The maximum duration of microphone audio recently in the input buffer waiting to be played, in ms. Read-only.

mixerStream AudioStats.AudioStreamStats

Statistics of the audio mixer's stream. Read-only.

outputUnplayedMsMax number

The maximum duration of output audio recently in the output buffer waiting to be played, in ms. Read-only.

pingMs number

The current ping time to the audio mixer, in ms. Read-only.

sentTimegapMsAvg number

The overall average time between sending data packets to the audio mixer, in ms. Read-only.

sentTimegapMsAvgWindow number

The recent average time between sending data packets to the audio mixer, in ms. Read-only.

sentTimegapMsMax number

The overall maximum time between sending data packets to the audio mixer, in ms. Read-only.

sentTimegapMsMaxWindow number

The recent maximum time between sending data packets to the audio mixer, in ms. Read-only.


Name Summary

Triggered when the client's stream statisticss have been updated.


Triggered when the injector streams' statistics have been updated.

Note: The injector streams' statistics are currently not provided.


Triggered when the maximum duration of a block of audio data recently read from the microphone changes.


Triggered when the maximum duration of microphone audio recently in the input buffer waiting to be played changes.


Triggered when the mixer's stream statistics have been updated.


Triggered when the maximum duration of output audio recently in the output buffer waiting to be played changes.


Triggered when the ping time to the audio mixer changes.


Triggered when the overall average time between sending data packets to the audio mixer changes.


Triggered when the recent average time between sending data packets to the audio mixer changes.


Triggered when the overall maximum time between sending data packets to the audio mixer changes.


Triggered when the recent maximum time between sending data packets to the audio mixer changes.

Signal Details

clientStreamChanged( )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when the client's stream statisticss have been updated.

injectorStreamsChanged( )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when the injector streams' statistics have been updated.

Note: The injector streams' statistics are currently not provided.

inputReadMsMaxChanged( inputReadMsMax )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when the maximum duration of a block of audio data recently read from the microphone changes.


Name Type Description
inputReadMsMax number

The maximum duration of a block of audio data recently read from the microphone, in ms.

inputUnplayedMsMaxChanged( inputUnplayedMsMax )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when the maximum duration of microphone audio recently in the input buffer waiting to be played changes.


Name Type Description
inputUnplayedMsMax number

The maximum duration of microphone audio recently in the input buffer waiting to be played, in ms.

mixerStreamChanged( )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when the mixer's stream statistics have been updated.

outputUnplayedMsMaxChanged( outputUnplayedMsMax )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when the maximum duration of output audio recently in the output buffer waiting to be played changes.


Name Type Description
outputUnplayedMsMax number

The maximum duration of output audio recently in the output buffer waiting to be played, in ms.

pingMsChanged( pingMs )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when the ping time to the audio mixer changes.


Name Type Description
pingMs number

The ping time to the audio mixer, in ms.

sentTimegapMsAvgChanged( sentTimegapMsAvg )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when the overall average time between sending data packets to the audio mixer changes.


Name Type Description
sentTimegapMsAvg number

The overall average time between sending data packets to the audio mixer, in ms.

sentTimegapMsAvgWindowChanged( sentTimegapMsAvgWindow )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when the recent average time between sending data packets to the audio mixer changes.


Name Type Description
sentTimegapMsAvgWindow number

The recent average time between sending data packets to the audio mixer, in ms.

sentTimegapMsMaxChanged( sentTimegapMsMax )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when the overall maximum time between sending data packets to the audio mixer changes.


Name Type Description
sentTimegapMsMax number

The overall maximum time between sending data packets to the audio mixer, in ms.

sentTimegapMsMaxWindowChanged( sentTimegapMsMaxWindow )
Returns: Signal

Triggered when the recent maximum time between sending data packets to the audio mixer changes.


Name Type Description
sentTimegapMsMaxWindow number

The recent maximum time between sending data packets to the audio mixer, in ms.